A written permit for filming and photography is not required for the public spaces. These refer to the check-in areas of the passenger terminals and the land areas that are directly connected to the street plan.

A permit must be acquired in advance if

  • you want to operate in the ISPS areas
  • scenes are shot for a film, or similar purpose,
  • if the size of the film crew exceeds five people or
  • special arrangements are needed due to filming.

Filming permits are usually granted for single occasions and for short-term periods.


Charge for filming and photo shoots at Port of Helsinki premises/area is 434,00 € / hour (+ vat 25.5 %).

It includes rental costs, working hours, technical arrangements, safety and guarding arrangements as well as the permit itself.

For the media filming and photo shoots are free of charge.

Filming in the ISPS areas

ATTENTION: The Port of Helsinki only grants filming permits in the closed port area in exceptional cases!

No permits are usually granted for commercial filming in the ISPS areas.

Access to the ISPS area usually requires the presence of an accompanying person. The accompanying person can be a member of the Port of Helsinki staff or a representative of a company that operates at the Harbour, and they must be aware of the security issues connected to moving about the area.

The permit must be applied well in advance before the scheduled filming, in any case no later than five working days before. Applications presented on shorter notice than this can be accepted only in special cases.

High visibility vests must be worn in the ISPS areas. If needed, these can be borrowed from the gates at the harbour.

Drone flying restricted

The Port of Helsinki’s areas are restrictive UAS geographical zones designated by the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom. Flying a drone, in restrictive UAS geographical zones is only allowed with a special permit. 

the Port of Helsinki may grant individual special permits for flying drones in its areas on a case-by-case basis, provided that its special terms and conditions are met.
You can apply for a special permit directly from the Port of Helsinki by sending an email to port.luvat(at)portofhelsinki.fi

The Port of Helsinki’s material bank

Members of the press are welcome to use the Port of Helsinki Ltd’s material bank, which features the logos used by the company, as well as photographs of the different harbours and key personnel. Images are the property of Port Of Helsinki Ltd.

If you are unable to load images or cannot find the image or background material you are looking for, please contact the Port of Helsinki’s Communications.