Business ID: 2630555-8
VAT-code: FI26305558

Reference information provided by the customer must always be noted on the invoice.

Please primarily send your invoices as e-invoices.

Address for e-invoices

Port of Helsinki Ltd / 2630555-8
e-invoice ID: 003726305558  
EDI number: BAWCFI22  

Receiving invoices by e-mail

Address: [email protected] 

Invoices are sent to e-mail as PDF attachments.
The invoice attachments must be in the same file as the invoice itself.
The business ID 2630555-8 must appear in the recipient’s address information.

Scanning service for paper invoices

If you are unable to send e-invoices, we ask you to send the invoices to the scanning service.

Port of Helsinki Ltd
P.O.B 8
80020 Kollektor Scan

The entire address mentioned above must be in the address field of the paper invoice, and not only on the envelope.

If the invoice does not have the business ID mentioned above in the address field, the invoice will not be processed, but will be returned to the sender by post.

Reverse charge mechanism for value-added tax

The status of Port of Helsinki Ltd as a company selling construction services has changed as of May 1, 2023. We no longer apply the translated VAT obligation AVL § 8 c. Please note this in your future invoicing.