Ship Services
The Port of Helsinki’s comprehensive ship services include mooring and unmooring, waste management, pilotage, ice breaking and towing services.
See also our permit services – accessing and working in closed harbour areas requires an access permit for both workers and any vehicles used for the work.
Shipservices at the South Harbour, Katajanokka Harbour and West Harbour
Port of Helsinki Ltd offers
• waste water reception
• potable water
• and waste handling services
at the South Harbour, Katajanokka Harbour and West Harbour
Email for the waste handling services: shipservice(at)
- Mooring and unmooring is supplied by South Finland Port Service Ltd , Nordic Port Services and Valhöll Ltd.
- In addition, SF Portservice is also in charge of the waste handling services in Kellosaari (LEL).
Port of Helsinki Price List
Ship services at Vuosaari Harbour
- at Vuosaari Harbour mooring and unmooring as well as potable water are supplied by South Finland Port Service Ltd and Nordic Port Services.
- SF Port Service is also in charge of waste water reception and waste handling services for ships
- Seamen’s car rides through the closed harbor area is handeled by Nordic Port Services.
- The ramp managing is supplied by both South Finland Port Service Ltd and Nordic Port Services.
South Finland Port Service
Port Service supervision, 24h
- Tel. +358 40 129 3745
- email: service(at)
- Waste handling:
Mooring and unmooring
- Customer service (24/7): Tel +358 40 129 3745, email: service(at)
- Head of Operations Dennis Nekljudow Tel. +358 41 548 4610, dennis.nekljudow(at)
- Head of Business Development Iiro Ahti, Tel. +358 50 5181202, iiro.ahti(at)
- CEO Miika Mandell, Tel. +358 50 052 6259, miika.mandell(at)
Nordic Port Services
Nordic Port Service supervision, 24h
- Tel. +358 41 3180238 or +358 40 8299877
- email shipservice(at) or office(at)
Mooring and unmooring:
- Orders (24/7): Tel +358 41 3180238, email shipservice(at)
- Operational shift manager, Tel. +358 41 3180238, shipservice(at)
- Managing director Thomas Erlund, Tel. +358 40 8299877, thomas(at)