Vessels must use a pilot on public fairways which are located in Finnish waters and the part of the Saimaa Canal leased by Finland and which have been defined as fairways requiring pilotage, if pilotage is required by the hazardous or harmful nature of the cargo or the size of the vessel. Pilotage services at the Port of Helsinki are provided by Finnpilot.
Pilotage requests are made via Finnpilot’s Pilot Order Centre.
- via Pilot online application
- email: pilotorder.south(at)finnpilot.fi
- Tel: +358 20 754 6151
Hoe to make a pilotage request
- Preliminary information arrival:
Vessel’s agent or vessel provides the Pilot Order Centre 24 and 6 hours advance notice of the vessel’s arrival at the pilot boarding position. - Request arrival:
The vessel or vessel’s agent submits their binding pilotage request with the Pilot Order Centre 3 hours prior to the vessel’s arrival at the pilot boarding point. - Preliminary information departure:
Vessel’s agent or vessel provides the Pilot Order Centre 24 and 6 hours advance notice of the vessel’s departure from the port. - Request departure:
The vessel’s agent or the vessel submits a binding pilotage request with the Pilot Order Centre 2 hours prior the vessel’s departure from port.
The Pilot Order Centre will send confirmation notice of the receipt to the device which was used to send the information or the request.