Environmental Cooperation
As Finland’s number one port, we want to be a forerunner in the sector and we participate actively in social conversation about the sector and cooperation with decision-makers, influencers and authorities.
We carry out environmental cooperation locally, nationally and internationally. We are involved in a number of different research projects as well as in the environmental group of the Baltic Sea Ports, the Baltic Sea Challenge of Helsinki and Turku, the environmental working group of the Finnish Port Association, and several environmental forums of the City of Helsinki and the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. The Port of Helsinki also works in active cooperation with neighbourhood associations.
Come and discuss and follow what we are doing
On Facebook: www.facebook.com/HelsinginSatama
On Twitter: www.twitter.com/PortOfHelsinki
Or on Instagram: www.instagram.com/portofhelsinki
Baltic Sea Challenge
The Port of Helsinki plays an active role in the Baltic Sea Challenge, launched by the mayors of Helsinki and Turku in 2008. The campaign has seen the cities commit to tangible, voluntary actions to support coastal waters and the whole of the Baltic Sea, as well as challenging a wide range of operators around the Baltic Sea to get involved in cooperation.
The Baltic Sea Challenge is unique in its form. At its core are tangible water protection measures carried out at local level and within organisations’ own operations, exceeding the minimum statutory requirements. The Challenge also provides the partners in the network with the opportunity to share good practices, learn about new operating models and build bridges between different operating cultures.
In 2016 the Port of Helsinki implemented a new price incentive as a Baltic Sea Challenge measure, with the aim of making waste water collection in the harbours more effective, particularly where cruise ships are concerned. Vessels discharging their waste water at the Port of Helsinki’s harbours now receive a 20% discount on the waste charges for solid and oily wastes. The incentive appears to be having the desired effect; nearly 90% of international cruise ships discharged waste water at the Port of Helsinki’s quays in the 2016 cruise season.
Network of Climate Partners
The Port of Helsinki has committed to the Climate Partners network of the City of Helsinki and businesses, and it has defined the actions it will take to mitigate climate change.
Read more about the Port’s commitment to being a Climate Partner
Read more about the Climate Partners of Helsinki on the City of Helsinki website.
Finnish Port Association
The Finnish Port Association is a central organisation founded jointly between municipal and private ports in 1923. The Port Association functions as a guardian of ports’ interests both in Finland and internationally, and is represented in many organisations dealing with port-related policy and transportation matters. The Port of Helsinki is a member of an environmental group maintained by the Port Association.
Baltic Port Organization (BPO)
The Baltic Ports Organization’s main objective is to improve the competitiveness of maritime traffic in the Baltic Sea area by increasing the efficiency of ports, marketing the Baltic Sea area as a strategic hub for logistics, and developing infrastructure between ports and other transportation centres. The Port of Helsinki is part of the BPO’s Environment Working Group.
For more information: http://www.bpoports.com/
European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO)
The European Sea Ports Organisation represents all ports within European Union member states. The main objective of the ESPO is to promote ports and their important position in Europe. In 2010 the Port of Helsinki won the ESPO Award on Societal Integration of Ports.
For more information: http://www.espo.be/