The Development Programme for the Port of Helsinki is a long and challenging project that will be implemented in the 2020s and 2030s. The measures of the development programme in different port areas are interdependent. At the same time, the normal operation of the Port of Helsinki must also continue throughout the development programme.

A key element in the implementation of the development programme is controlled progress in a pre-planned order. The implementation of each step requires the completion of the previous project entity, as the arrangements in one port area will have a key impact on the following arrangements in other port areas. Because of this, the programme cannot be divided into separate parts. South Harbour cannot be taken into other use by the City without building the harbour tunnel, for example.

For this reason, passenger and car ferry traffic in South Harbour will continue until the harbour tunnel in West Harbour and the new arrangements in Katajanokka have been completed.

South Harbour cannot be opened for other use without building the harbour tunnel.

Development programme stages in harbours in the city centre

  1. In the first phase of the development programme, West Harbour will be prepared to receive all traffic from Tallinn. The first programme measures will be the construction of the harbour tunnel from West Harbour to Länsiväylä and increasing the available quay and field capacity in West Harbour. 
  2. The development of West Harbour will facilitate the next stages of the development programme, i.e. changes to Katajanokka and South Harbour. The Katajanokka renovation will be implemented first. The passenger terminal in Katajanokka will be renewed, which will allow for all of the passenger and car ferry traffic to Stockholm to be concentrated in one place.
  3. The Port of Helsinki will hand over Olympia Terminal and Satamatalo for the City’s use towards the end of the development programme. The only port operations remaining in South Harbour will be some international cruise traffic as well as an option for potential high-speed vessel traffic.
  4. The current port area will be expanded to meet the needs of future cargo traffic in the expansion of Vuosaari Harbour. An environmental impact assessment will also be carried out on the development of Vuosaari Harbour.