Developing Vuosaari Harbour
Construction of Vuosaari Harbour was one of the largest civil construction projects in Finnish history, as well as being the largest harbour project. The harbour was officially opened on 28 November 2008.
Ongoing and future projects
Renewing the heating system of the double ramps
- The heating systems of the double ramps of C1 and C2 quays will be upgraded to a heat pump solution.
- The new system will be even more energy-efficient and have lower emissions than the prewious one.
- The project is part of the implementation of the Port of Helsinki’s carbon neutrality program.
- Planned
- Estimated to be completed in May 2025
Recently completed
Vuosaari One Gate System
- Operations at the Vuosaari harbour main gate are enhanced. Additional activities, such as vehicle weighing and damage detection are introduced.
- The construction is partly funded by the EU investment project Hansalink 2.
- Completed in April 2024

Increasing the number of charging points for electric cars
- A total of 38 charging points for electric cars will be added in Vuosaari Harbour and the city centre harbours.
- The project is part of the Port of Helsinki’s carbon neutrality programme.
- Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland’s subsidy for installing charging points at workplaces will be granted for the project.
- Completed in March 2024
Onshore Power for quay C
- The Port of Helsinki built a new onshore power connection at the C quay to serve ropax traffic to Germany.
- This project is connected to the implementation of the Port’s carbon neutral programme. Onshore power supply makes it possible to reduce the climate emissions generated while ships are berthed in port.
- The construction is partly funded by the EU investment project Hansalink 2.
- Completed in December 2023

Dual ramp for berth VA8
- This project built a dual ramp for berth VA8 at Vuosaari Harbour for use by ship traffic between Vuosaari and Muuga, Tallinn. The ramp speeds up the vehicle loading process and shortens ship turnaround times.
- The construction of the dual ramp was part of the streamlining of the sea traffic between Helsinki and Tallinn as well as the development of the Europe-wide Ten-T network. The EU investment project TWIN-PORT IV has funded 30% of the project.
- Completed in April 2023

Transition to LED lighting
- The basic outdoor lighting of the closed harbour area will be replaced with LED lights to improve the lighting of the harbour area and the capability to adjust the lighting, reduce light leakage outside the harbour and improve energy efficiency.
- This project is connected to the implementation of the Port’s carbon neutral programme.
- Completed in 8/2022
Extension of pier GP1
- The Port prepares for the arrival of larger vessels by extending pier GP1.
- Estimated to be completed 12/2022
- Completed October 2022
Widening of four stern berths
- The Port prepares for the arrival of larger vessels by widening stern berths VF3, VG7, VG8 and VE1, which are used by RoRo traffic to Germany.
- Completed in 2/2022
Fairway deepening project
- Vuosaari Harbour and the Finnish Transport Agency are deepening the sea fairway leading to the harbour, from 11 metres to 13 metres.
- The project has been granted total of 6.7 million euros of EU funding.
- Read more about the project (in Finnish)
- Completed in November 2021

Customs inspection building for traffic on the Muuga route
- Inspection facilities intended for use by Customs will be constructed to serve vehicle traffic to and from Tallinn and Muuga.
- Completed in March 2021
Veterinary border inspection post
- The Finnish Food Authority relocated the veterinary border inspection post serving the Port to Vuosaari Harbour. The Port of Helsinki had business premises built for use by border inspection in the gate area of Vuosaari Harbour.
- Completed in December 2020
Solar power plant for Vuosaari Harbour
- Solar panels were installed on the roofs of the V6 and V7 buildings at Vuosaari Harbour. The use of renewable solar energy reduces the Port’s carbon footprint directly by reducing the consumption of energy generated with fossil fuels.
- This project is connected to the implementation of the Port’s carbon neutral programme.
- Completed in November 2020
Check-in area for traffic on the Muuga route
- A new check-in area was built in Vuosaari Harbour for passengers on the Vuosaari–Muuga route. The new route to the ship through the closed harbour area is considerably shorter and safer.
- This project is part of the streamlining of the sea traffic between Helsinki and Tallinn as well as the development of the Europe-wide Ten-T network. The EU investment project TWIN-PORT IV has provided funding for the project.
- Completed in July 2020

Pier AP
- Pier AP was built at Vuosaari Harbour for use by ship traffic to Muuga.
- This project was part of the streamlining of the sea traffic between Helsinki and Tallinn as well as the development of the Europe-wide Ten-T network. The construction of the pier was partly funded by the EU investment project TWIN-PORT III.
- Completed in August 2019