Reach us

Contacts primarily during the holidays 1-31 July 2024:
Communications Specialist Soili Rajamäki
Tel. +358 40 560 1029
e-mail: soili.rajamaki(at)

VP, Communications Maira Kettunen
Tel. +358 50 357 7197
e-mail: maira.kettunen(at)

Project Communications Manager Tero Lahti
Tel. +358 40 334 4801
e-mail: tero.lahti(at)

Communications Officer Maria Stuckey
Tel. +358 50 5931346
e-mail: maria.stuckey(at)

Planning and constructing the Port Development program in West Harbour

project manager Ari Parviainen, Port of Helsinki Ltd
Tel. 050 0214904

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Thank you for your interest in the Port of Helsinki!